
12 Tips for Growing Basil in Pots So You’ll Always Have This Tasty Herb Nearby

Make growing basil in pots a snap with these simple tips. Bob Stefko  There’s no such thing as too much basil if you love making pesto and cooking with fresh herbs. This popular herb thrives in garden beds, but growing basil in pots indoors on a sunny windowsill or outside on a sunny patio or balcony is also an easy way to boost your supply of this compact and fast-growing plant. Use these...

How to Plant and Grow Bermudagrass for a Lush Lawn

A turfgrass for warm climates, Bermudagrass forms a dense lawn that stands up to traffic and heat. Kim Cornelison Bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon) thrives in heat and humidity and is a popular turfgrass for sports fields, golf courses, and home lawns. Commonly grown in areas with moderate to warm winters, Bermudagrass isn’t used as a lawn grass where temperatures regularly drop below 30°F. In...

4 Tips for Choosing the Sweetest Cantaloupe, Honeydew, or Muskmelon

Here are four tricks our editors swear by to pick the sweetest melon at the store. Jason Donnelly Cantaloupe and honeydew are fruit salad regulars, but they're not always sweet and juicy. Avoid bland melon, and ensure your fruit is perfectly ripe right at the grocery store. It's as simple as using just a few of your senses to choose a sweet melon. To make sure you buy a melon that was picked at...

The Ultimate Laundry Schedule: What to Wash Weekly, Monthly, and Quarterly

Set—and stick to—a schedule so you can stay on top of this essential chore. Nathan Schroder  Laundry is a seemingly endless task that can be overwhelming at times. If you find yourself dreading a full hamper, arm yourself with an organized laundry schedule to make the chore feel less stressful and more manageable.Knowing when to wash certain clothes and linens, such as bedding and towels, is...

How to Store Peppers So They Stay Crisp and Wrinkle-Free

Learn how to store mild and hot peppers to keep their flavors fresh for as long as possible. Andy Lyons Whether you grow them at home or buy them from the store, peppers are versatile vegetables that are delicious fresh or cooked. To help you get the most out of your pepper haul, it's important to know how to store peppers correctly. In this guide, you'll discover the best storage tips and...

10 Dramatic Kitchen Island Countertop Ideas (10 photos)

If you’re adding a kitchen island, the countertop selection is an important factor that affects the overall design of the room. Which means it’s also an opportunity to create something dramatic. Here, 10 kitchens show how various island countertop materials, colors, styles and features take the...

Landsea Homes Launches Sales for New Community in the Heart of Orlando

Orlando, FL -- Landsea Homes Corporation (Nasdaq: LSEA) ("Landsea Homes" or the "Company"), a publicly traded residential homebuilder, announced today that new homes are now selling at Harrell Oaks in Orlando, Florida. "Harrell Oaks is the only new home community currently selling in this part of Orlando, which has contributed to robust and growing interest from prospective homebuyers," said Megan Bakel,...

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