
Market Leader review: Features, pricing & alternatives

Vetted by HousingWire  |  Our editors independently review the products we recommend. When you buy through our links, we may earn a commission. Market Leader is an all-in-one solution for generating real estate leads, nurturing them with automated tools, and converting them into long-term clients. Its suite of tools includes a robust CRM, a real estate website, predictive analytics, marketing...

Can mortgage rates keep falling? Job market data is key

Since May 29, we’ve witnessed a decline in the 10-year yield, which has been favorable for mortgage rates. The critical question is: Can this trend persist? Clues from the recent Fed meeting and the softening inflation data hint at a potential continuation — if the labor data gets softer. How is this affecting the weekly housing data? Let’s delve into the details and find out. 10-year yield and...

What’s Eating My Basil? 7 Pests That Could Be the Cause

Learn how to spot and identify basil-eating pests in the garden and what to do about them. cabuscaa / Getty Images When you see holes in your basil leaves, missing leaves, or even completely missing plants, you may be wondering, "What's eating my basil plant?" This popular herb is commonly assumed to be immune from leaf-munching pests, but that isn't entirely accurate. If it isn't a neighbor...

Is Red a Good Color for Your Bathroom? Here’s Why It’s the Hottest Hue for Washrooms Right Now

The vibrant shade is here to invigorate your self-care routine. Behr With the influence of the fashion world, celebration of romance, and the produce section (Strawberry Girl Summer, tomatocore) it's no surprise that bathrooms are turning red hot this summer. Literally.Using red to decorate the bathroom can be seen as quite surprising, as it's the one room in a home typically reserved for the most...

Is the Tomatini the Savory Cocktail of the Summer? Here’s What Our Test Kitchen Has to Say

It’s only right that the latest twist on the martini features fresh, seasonal produce. LPM Restaurant & Bar It looks like the savory cocktail of the summer has landed, and you may be able to find the star ingredient in your garden.The Tomatini is exactly what it sounds like—a martini made with tomatoes—and it's officially going mainstream. In March, the acclaimed LPM Restaurant & Bar...

These Newly Launched Towels Already Made Walmart’s Best-Sellers List—and They’re Just $9

Testers say they’re soft, durable, and absorbent. Better Homes & Gardens / Madison Woiten Isn’t it time to freshen up your bath towels? A great towel can feel like a mini luxury after a hot shower, and one that absorbs water well and dries quickly is the ultimate find. Luckily, these recently launched bath towels from our line at Walmart do both of those things extremely well, and...

New records from Ginnie Mae, HUD filed in TCB case

Attorneys for the federal government have issued an extensive new filing in the ongoing litigation between Texas Capital Bank (TCB) and Ginnie Mae, including a raft of correspondence that took place immediately prior to the seizure of the Reverse Mortgage Funding servicing portfolio by Ginnie Mae. Separately, a magistrate judge has approved the government’s request to extend the timeline for discovery...

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